Thursday, May 13, 2010

More Pictures ...

One month old!

I'm beginning to think Owen is really long ... look how long his body is already!  Maybe that's why he's 12lbs

Sleeping on his hand ... he loves doing that

Whenever we carry Owen around the house he loves to look out the windows ...

Sleeping on daddy's chest ...

One Month Old!

Owen is officially one month old! I had a nurse come out to the house to weigh him today. When he was born at 8lbs 3oz he landed in the 51st percentile in weight. At his two week check-up he weighed 9lbs 13oz which is in the 75th percentile. The nurse weighed him in at 12lbs 2oz yesterday which is the 97th percentile! Can we say, "CHUNKER"! I cannot believe he's that big. I keep thinking it's unhealthy with how fast he's growing but the doctors and nurses keep telling me he is perfectly fine gaining so much weight so quickly. Let's just pray it slows down or I'm going to have a 100lb toddler :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

3.5 weeks already!

Owen is 3.5 weeks old already! Sorry for the delay in posting. I, unfortunately, found out this website doesn't do a very good job with posting large pictures and videos. I've been updating facebook more often since it's so much quicker. I will, though, attempt to put some more stuff on here!

Things have been going really well. Owen is gaining weight like it's nobody's business. Instead of gaining the average 1 oz a day, he's been gaining 2 oz a day! He was supposed to be at his birth weight at his 2 week check-up and he was 1.5 lbs heavier than that! The dr. said not to worry about too much weight gain. He's just a healthy eater! :)

My days consist of waking Owen up, feeding him, changing him, playing with him, putting him down for a nap, and then starting the cycle all over again. Michael's been gone a lot because of Fire Academy so my days get pretty boring. Owen and I just hang out together all day every day. The positive side of being by myself is extra time with Owen -- we're bonding well!

Health-wise things are ok. My stitches are bothering me and they were supposed to have dissolved over a week ago. I may have to go back in and get some removed. Hopefully I won't need to worry about that and my issues will heal themselves.

Here are some recent pictures.

I did a little photo shoot in my living room :)

My dad came to visit!

This is, by far, my favorite picture taken of Owen! It doesn't look like him since his positioning is forcing his chubbiness to show more but I love it! Look at that smirk!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


We've been taking pictures like crazy but have been too tired to post them.  Here is a start.  I'll blog tomorrow about how everyone has been doing!

Owen getting ready to leave the hospital:

On his way home.  The quilt was made by my great grandmother.  It's been passed down to each generation and used for all the siblings in each family when they came home from the hospital.

My mom HAD to take a picture of us entering the house for the first time with Owen:

Owen yawning ... so cute!

His grandmother giving him a bath ... I think he loves the camera.

So handsome!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hospital Pics

The hospital has a baby album so they came in to take some pictures.  If you go to this link you can see Owen's page!  His birth date was 4-12-10 and it's under Jill H.

One Day Old

Owen has been doing great in the hospital!  He's officially a day old and opening his eyes all the time now.  Here are some pictures!

Monday, April 12, 2010

He's here!

Owen Walter Helms was born today (April 12, 2010) at 10:51 a.m. Pacific Time. He weighs 8 lbs. 3 oz. and is 20 inches long. Jill pushed for 3 straight hours, due to the fact that Owen decided to "surf" sideways
out of his Mom! Both Owen and Jill are doing fine, and Jill will update this blog as soon as she's feeling more